Zona Loker Loker,Lowongan Kerja Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Kitchen Staff

Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Kitchen Staff

Job title: Kitchen Staff

Company: Nobunaga Sushi Mojokerto

Job description: Job Description Kitchen Staff: Job information Kitchen Staff from the Company Nobunaga Sushi Mojokerto, this latest Kitchen Staff job vacancy is located in the city Jawa Tengah located in the province Jawa-Tengah . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate High-School . Job Vacancies in this Hotel/Pariwisata field have been opened and published up to the specified time.

Job Responsibility Kitchen Staff: Kualifikasi: Bisa masak/suka masak/Memiliki kemampuan untuk belajar Usia maksimal 27 Tahun Jujur, Disiplin dan bertanggung jawab Serius ingin bekerja Job Deskripsi: Memberikan pelayanan yang ramah dan sopan kepada pelanggan Bertanggung jawab terhadap kebersihan outlet, area kerja Memberikan service oriented yang optimal kepada pelanggan Benefit: Uang makan Uang lembur Bonus bulanan ( sesuai penjualan dan kinerja)

Persyaratan minimum:

  • Mencari kandidat untuk bekerja pada:
  • Senin: Pagi, Siang
  • Selasa: Pagi, Siang
  • Rabu: Pagi, Siang
  • Kamis: Pagi, Siang
  • Jum’at: Pagi, Siang
  • Sabtu: Pagi, Siang
  • Minggu: Pagi, Siang
  • Tidak diperlukan pengalaman kerja untuk posisi ini
  • Pelamar harus memiliki KTP

Job Requirement Kitchen Staff: Make sure that the vacancy you are looking for matches the title of this job vacancy. Make sure you are not offered a suspicious investment business or become a member of an unclear MLM. It should be noted that if the job opening is not a large company, for example an individual or a small CV, then you can ignore the tips above.

Expected salary:

Location: Jawa Tengah

Job date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 22:31:50 GMT

Kunjungi Garasi Kerja

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