Job title: Bancassurance Officer (Area: Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Banyuwangi, Probolinggo, Bali, Batam, Solo, Yogyakarta)
Company: PT Panin Dai-Ichi Life (Bancassurance)
Job description:
- Melakukan aktivitas sosialisasi dan penjualan product Bancassurance Panin Dai-ichi Life kepada nasabah-nasabah Panin Bank
- Membina dan membangun hubungan Profesional dengan staff Panin Bank dan Nasabah
- Melakukan kegiatan After Selling Services (follow up ke nasabah, reporting, submit case, kelengkapan data nasabah, medical, dll)
Lokasi kerja
Cabang Panin Bank area Indonesia (menyesuaikan dengan domisili).
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Memiliki minimal 1 tahun pengalaman sebagai Sales/Tenaga Pemasar
- Minimal lulusan D3/S1 dari semua jurusan
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Memiliki penampilan yang rapi dan menarik
- Bertanggung jawab
- Aktif dan mempunyai banyak ide
- Performance Bonus
- Medical / Health Insurance
Entry Level / Junior, Apprentice Sales and Marketing 15 openings Completed associate’s degree
Panin Dai-ichi Life is the place where you can explore and optimize your potentials. And we invite you to experience the dynamic and engaging environment with a competitive compensation and benefit package for your career. We are committed to our people development therefore we design and conduct training and development programs to support and leverage the full potentials of our people. You will experience an open and supportive community for innovative ideas and ensuring all actions can meet and even exceed our customer’s satisfaction. Together with our corporate tagline “By your side, for life”, we continue to pursue our mission and commitment to be a reliable partner for our customers and assist them in every stage of life.
Expected salary:
Location: Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Job date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 22:23:55 GMT
Kunjungi Garasi Kerja